Saturday, January 17, 2009
The Three-Footed Noble Cat
This guy looked at me, as if I had disturbed his siesta in the Umm Qasr sun. He had been sunning himself, enjoying the warmth of the sun after last night’s below-freezing weather.
I concentrated on getting the focus and composition. I talked to him a bit, but in a couple of seconds, he got skittish and got up. As he stood up and moved under the trailer, I saw clearly that he is missing his right rear foot. I think he can put some weight on the stump, but seems to hop with his back left foot instead of striding on the stump.
I could see that, though ambulatory, he isn’t up to catching his own food. I went to my hooch and got my stash of sandwich-sliced chicken from the still-cool fridge (‘tis been unplugged since yesterday because my power strip died and the replacement hasn’t got enough outlets), cut off the bottom of another water bottle and took it to him. Before I got too close, I bent down and saw a large orange shape under the trailer, kind of motionless. Slowly and quietly (but not silently) I took the food to where I saw him hiding under the trailer. I told him I hoped this would be good for him. I’m sure he didn’t understand the words but I wanted him to associate my voice with something edible.
I left the food there and came back to my hooch. I don’t think I’m an emotional guy but I felt bad to see this cat trying to survive with only three feet. If he ventures outside our compound, he won’t be able to run away from the packs of dogs that are out there. Sandbag, our compound dog, seems OK with cats. And he eats well enough that he doesn’t have to hunt cats for food. But the other dogs may.
I’ve been leaving food and water in the bunker outside my hooch most nights. Most mornings, it’s gone. Now I may take an extra few steps and leave it under the office trailer where it should be unnoticed.
I wonder about this guy. In looking at his photo, I didn’t notice that grey spot on his back. Is that a bruise or a smudge of oil? He’s pretty big as cats go. And to have survived long enough to be a big cat, he has to have some smarts and abilities. I reckon he’s also had some bad luck because he’s missing his right rear foot. Did he get run over by a car? Did a dog bite his leg off? I can’t imagine he’d lose it in a fight with another cat, so I guess he’s had some serious events in his life.
I hope he comes back. Hope he didn’t run away when I put his food there. Heskette does pretty well at the NAAFI smoke pit but this guy could use some thumb-people help.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Umm Qasr - Immer noch Pech gehabt

I showered and got dressed. Feeling infinitely better, I walked to get my laundry, then looked next door to see if I could troubleshoot my lack of hot water. I looked at the water heater in the hooch next door, the one that supplies hot water to both hooches. Exercising my highly-trained Inspectorial observational skills, I detected something slightly amiss with the plumbing system: apparently someone had removed the hot water heater completely. They cleverly looped the hot water line into the cold water. Hence I got a drip from the hot water faucet but adequate pressure from the freezing water faucet. I shall attempt to resolve this today with the maintenance guys.

This is Heskette atop the railing around the NAAFI smoke pit.
Heskette patrols the patio by the NAAFI store. “This is my turf. I’ll give you a temporary visa to be here. Pay up in food, OK?”
Here’s my impromptu water heater- two cartons of water with two mailing boxes and a third water carton straddling my heater.
Slow but the water is nice and warm. No one gets third-degree burns from this water but I can shower in the morning. Visible are my rifle, 75-pound vest and salvaged dresser.
I’m facing no hot water for the immediate future. So I did what I do best- make something good out of what I have. I took a case of bottled water from the pile on the pallet and stacked it on one side of my space heater. Took another and stacked it on the other side. Then I took two of the boxes Richie mailed me (empty) and put them on top of the water cartons. I cut a slit in the bottom of a third box and laid about half a case of water in the box so it straddles the hot air vent at the top of my space heater. Six hours later, I’ve got a half-dozen bottles of fairly warm water. Tomorrow I’ll shower with those. I could just get more water bottles, but I think I’ll practice a bit of conservation and re-use these bottles by filling them from my cold shower and putting them back in the box.
Here’s ya other problem- you need a fuse.
As if I weren’t having enough mechanical problems, my power strip burned a fuse this afternoon. I asked the British maintenance guy for another fuse but he had none. Al gave me another power strip but that one didn’t have enough outlets for everything so my frozen water will have to thaw a bit. However, Al’s power strip got my laptop from battery power to shore power. Hence this addendum to today’s post. I guess I’ll just get used to no fridge for a bit until I can get my power strip re-fused. There are about 20 liters of frozen water in the top of my fridge. Yes, I sorta planned this problem. We used to keep frozen water in the big freezers at Gannon and I borrowed the concept from them.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Umm Qasr 01082009

Umm Qasr 01072009
I checked laundry but there was no new clean laundry. My number 0171 had no tick next to it, so my laundry is still somewhere else.
Around 16:00, one of the Army captains came to get me for a meeting with the British Navy Captain who’s our big boss. Lots of people there, talking over the main issues that we have to consider at the port. Many things remain unclear, things like what the volume of traffic is, how much cargo goes through the south port (I’m at the north port.), training, the organizational structure (MOI, MOT, MOF) and I proposed that the overall director of the port should be able to tell which agency where they should do what.
Tonight’s fare is a 1965 James Garner and Sidney Poitier cowboy flick, “Duel at Diablo.” It’s two notches above a B-Western; “Gone with the Wind” and “Lawrence of Arabia” don’t have to look over their film shoulders at this one. Even “The Wild Bunch” doesn’t need to fret much.
I emailed a nag to Richie- please finish up his degree. I asked his thoughts on the Pense conundrum. In my sardonic, callous mind, I wonder at her motives in asking me for her tea set and her old couch. I suggested asking for storage money- $650 seems fair for two years storage. And it’s not clear which tea set she’s asking about. If it’s the Rosenthal, she’ll need to see me face-to-face and convince me it’s hers. If it’s another tea set, the rabbit one, it feels to me like she’s asking for the last of her stuff so she can stop seeing me, ever. I guess I can’t know what’s in her mind until she tells me. And then, I have to weigh everything to see if there’s anything I’ve missed.
Finished a book, a sorta “the gummint as bad guys” book that dealt with finding Jesus’s bones, thereby proving he didn’t rise from the dead. The protagonist discovers that he’s wrong and all the good guys live happily ever after, but it’s a good book nonetheless. Some aphorisms (hope that’s right) are opposite the chapter headings and I like them. Things like “Ignorance is bliss until you realize you’re not ignorant.”
Half done with another book, written by a Brit, outlining 12 books that changed the world. I learned about Newton’s “Principia” and the Magna Carta and about Marie Stowe’s marital primer. We’ll see what comes next.
Umm Qasr 01052009
I got this tonight because my money came back to me. Yes, I foolishly sent my pants to get washed and left all my money in the pocket. When I picked up my laundry, there was an envelope in the pocket with “Umm Qasr North, ticket 0171, 854$” on it. I’d be fussy and gripe that my money clip didn’t come back, but with all that money, I guess I can find myself another. But I digress- I took my returned money (I’d be flat broke without it) and visited the haji shop on base. Instead of five movies for $20, I got ten movies for $36. He said seven movies were $3 and three were $5. When I got to my hooch, I sifted through my pile of movie treasures and picked this one. What a great pick! This movie is great! When I leave here, this DVD will go with me. The soundtrack has a lot of original Jelly Roll Morton pieces. Now I may have to ask Richie to find more and send ‘em to me on a CD.
I spent a bit of time this afternoon working on the US Customs cargo processing stuff that Al asked about. But I feel like I’m stealing- I work in a comfy Ikea chair with my laptop, listening to Jimmy Buffet and the Beatles and Rhonda Vincent.
Tomorrow is a meeting that the military guys seem to pooh-pooh. Well, maybe something good will come of this meeting.
Today was also a bit productive for my blog. I put up something I wrote from Thanksgiving, something I wrote for Caitlin, Sue’s Granddaughter and for myself, a piece about a fictional conversation with my daughter. Well, it’s fictional in that the conversation never has happened but not-so-fictional in that I project a lot of my suspicions onto the characters, suspicions about what’s happened to Pense since my divorce from her mother. The story’s not done, not yet.
But things epistemological resonate. I see glimmers of another life yet. Something that hasn’t yet happened but will. Not too many glimmers, since I’m pushing 64, but a few. Some of them involve my big Richiesohn, some involve just me. I don’t mind if some of the glimmers feature Pense and Schaffe, too. And maybe some of the glimmers might be just me, continuing to work here. LOL, after tomorrow’s security meeting, the crystal ball gets pretty murky.
And to put a bit of emotional icing on my day, just now, the movie’s music video ended, so I minimized a few things to get to my iTunes on the desktop. And guess who was smiling at me from my desktop? Yep, my big happy Richiesohn. He’s looking straight into the camera, holding some tongs that he’s using to flip the pork roast in our smoker. He’s standing on our patio; behind him I can see the beige color of the back of our house, the wisteria and grapevines on the now-historical trellis, and our fence that I painted some redwood preservative on when I painted the house. My computer tells me it’s 11:02 for him because my computer is set to the time when I left California for Iraq. Maybe one day I’ll make my computer say the time it is in Iraq. But not now. Now my laptop is becoming a sort of icon, in the mystical sense. I’ve got Hayward time, with my big son on the desktop. Heck, it’s even the vehicle I just used to watch that “1900” movie. KK, better stop before Richie thinks I’m getting too metaphysical.
Umm Qasr 01032009
We found Sandbag near the gate and he went out with us. I petted him and he seemed to enjoy the ritual. He parked is butt on the ground and looked at me. He sure could use a bath but it wasn’t about personal hygiene; it was about physical contact. He put his body next to my knee and leaned on me while I rubbed his ribs and head. In my next care package from home, I want some flea pills so I can find a way to get them to him.
Earlier today, on my way to the helipad, a grey cat with a ring tail scurried across my path and stopped under a container. He turned around and looked at me a bit. Not quite afraid, nor hostile, just cautious. That’s fine. I’m not able to make his hellish life heaven. So if any of the cats will let me pet them, that’s fine. If they don’t want that, then it’s OK, too. After all, I’ve got cats at home who know me and like me.
At two PM we went to the port. The purpose was to get information about the passengers. I think we didn’t have a lot of success. But at least the weather wasn’t quite so bitterly cold. Sure, I wore gloves and a thermal vest with my long-sleeved shirt over my long-sleeved US Customs turtleneck. My ears stung a wee bit but not too badly. When I left, my feet were cold. Walking kind of circulated a bit of blood and now my feet feel fine. In a bit, I’ll go check mail at spawar. Maybe I’ll find something from Richie, though maybe not. It’s 04:12 for him (from the readout on my laptop) so he may be asleep.
My iPod is playing Johnny Cash’s “Walk the Line” and I’m amazed at how my life has flowed: In 1969, this song played through large metal speaker at the Hayward Speedway’s track. I hear this song and I smell Castrol R in the air, mingled with hot dogs and onions, while two-strokes buzz and whine. And today, Johnny’s singing through some very nice-sounding speakers that I bought in Camp Bucca, while I sit in my hooch, trying to stay warm.
Val sent me an email saying it seems I’m building a nest here. She may see something I can’t: I took a dirty, dark trailer and changed it to suit myself using what resources I had- the empty trailer next door. I scavenged a heater, dresser, chair and lamp. Once I hung my clothes in the closet, I freed up an entire drawer and now I’m organized. On the floor of the closet is my duffel with the NBC gear that I have to turn back in and on top is my large rucksack, stuffed with my small ruck, canvas bag and laptop bag. My 511 boots are on the floor next to my tennies and krocs. My sleeping bag is on top of the shelf next to the box the speakers came in. My Romanian punga is on top of a cardboard box that held water bottles. One small joy is that my cammo poncho came back from the laundry looking very nice indeed. It’s hanging on a hanger over my too-tight 30-30 511 pants. Those pants fit very well when I got to California but they’re a bit snug now. Right next to that is my red-and-white checkered cowboy shirt. That’ll likely be my “getting on the airplane for California” shirt. Darn, I need one more. Well, it’ll be June, so I may use my Disney T-shirt for the first leg, the Baghdad-to-Amman leg. And I may carry that shirt in the cabin, putting it on in Frankfurt so I’ll look not too disheveled when I arrive at SFO, to see one more time my large, smiling son, the one who’s now on my desktop.
Strange musings, no? I started this piece talking about Richie and ended with him.
Umm Qasr 01022009

The day started a bit sparse- breakfast was almost non-existent, consisting of cold cereal and milk. That was OK, Muesli kept me going until 10:30 when brunch was on the schedule. I spent some time scouring my toilet and sink, then swept my rug. I went a bit late to brunch because I was looking at emails. Brunch looked a lot like a combination of breakfast and lunch: French toast and hamburgers, bacon and salad.
Pretty soon I’ve got to think about where I’ll go for vacation. Not right away but I can’t let this matter slide indefinitely.