Friday, January 16, 2009
Umm Qasr - Immer noch Pech gehabt

I showered and got dressed. Feeling infinitely better, I walked to get my laundry, then looked next door to see if I could troubleshoot my lack of hot water. I looked at the water heater in the hooch next door, the one that supplies hot water to both hooches. Exercising my highly-trained Inspectorial observational skills, I detected something slightly amiss with the plumbing system: apparently someone had removed the hot water heater completely. They cleverly looped the hot water line into the cold water. Hence I got a drip from the hot water faucet but adequate pressure from the freezing water faucet. I shall attempt to resolve this today with the maintenance guys.

This is Heskette atop the railing around the NAAFI smoke pit.
Heskette patrols the patio by the NAAFI store. “This is my turf. I’ll give you a temporary visa to be here. Pay up in food, OK?”
Here’s my impromptu water heater- two cartons of water with two mailing boxes and a third water carton straddling my heater.
Slow but the water is nice and warm. No one gets third-degree burns from this water but I can shower in the morning. Visible are my rifle, 75-pound vest and salvaged dresser.
I’m facing no hot water for the immediate future. So I did what I do best- make something good out of what I have. I took a case of bottled water from the pile on the pallet and stacked it on one side of my space heater. Took another and stacked it on the other side. Then I took two of the boxes Richie mailed me (empty) and put them on top of the water cartons. I cut a slit in the bottom of a third box and laid about half a case of water in the box so it straddles the hot air vent at the top of my space heater. Six hours later, I’ve got a half-dozen bottles of fairly warm water. Tomorrow I’ll shower with those. I could just get more water bottles, but I think I’ll practice a bit of conservation and re-use these bottles by filling them from my cold shower and putting them back in the box.
Here’s ya other problem- you need a fuse.
As if I weren’t having enough mechanical problems, my power strip burned a fuse this afternoon. I asked the British maintenance guy for another fuse but he had none. Al gave me another power strip but that one didn’t have enough outlets for everything so my frozen water will have to thaw a bit. However, Al’s power strip got my laptop from battery power to shore power. Hence this addendum to today’s post. I guess I’ll just get used to no fridge for a bit until I can get my power strip re-fused. There are about 20 liters of frozen water in the top of my fridge. Yes, I sorta planned this problem. We used to keep frozen water in the big freezers at Gannon and I borrowed the concept from them.