Thursday, August 13, 2009


Fourth of July, 2009

Umm Qasr 07042009

Today's the Fourth of July. At breakfast with Jeff, I mentioned to him and SSG Bowman that I'll spend three Fourth of July holidays in Iraq. I arrived in Baghdad last year and I'll be here for the next one, though I'll be really short by the next Fourth.

Eating brekkie was new, I haven't done that in a few weeks. I woke up a bit early, thanks to my alarm. After showering I decided to get some breakfast before our patrol at 0900. I've got about ten minutes before I go to the helipad to meet the rest of our patrol.

I want to watch TV tonight, or maybe tomorrow, when AFN might show the big DC program. We're seven hours ahead, so if the show is on at, say, noon, it'll be seven in the evening for me. Still, I might get to watch last year's show earlier.

Richie said he'll try to spend the Fourth with Bonnie. I wished him good luck, but got a bit negative afterwards. I also suggested that if things go well, maybe all of us could go to the Santa Clara county fair. I doubt she'll be in favor of such an event. Not until she's financially constrained to conduct herself in a friendly manner (because she'll be needing some financial help), I believe she'll continue to be shitty. She can't avoid this- her basic insecurity demands that she be “right.” Being right won't allow her to be wrong; being nice is tantamount to admitting to error. The only way she can continue to be “right” is to continue to remain angry and adamant that she's “right” about her behavior. Yes, it's cyclic, her psychology.

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