Thursday, August 13, 2009


Camp Klecker 07202009

'Tis been a couple of days since I wrote here. The trip from Bucca went well. I got on the helo at 2100, got to Ali Al Saleem in an hour or so. I got handed off to a terrific Air Force Tech Sergeant who drove me to the terminal and got me listed on the embassy flight the next morning for BIAP. Of course, I had to sit and wait with a bunch of other people, but we all made the flight at 0500. Got to BIAP around 0800, a young Air Force gal collected our CAC cards and when I was done, I walked the 100 yards or so to the sidewalk. I set my gear down, took my rifle and went out to the parking log. Sure 'nuff, in ten minutes, a blue and white Nissan bus came along with a blue Dyncorp sign in the windshield. I waved at them, asked if they'd wait a second until I got my gear, and one of the guys even came and helped me carry my rucksack. They dropped me off at Klecker around nine AM. I got my linens, signed in and made my bed. I unpacked a bit, grabbed a shower and took myself to the armorer and the rest of the Dyn processing at Camp Butler.

My boss recognized me in the parking lot, so he and I chatted awhile. He gave me the form for every office to initial, and I got done in about an hour. He asked about Greg- told him that Greg was very capable- and Al- told him I saw him in the tent just an hour ago. He didn't like that. I came back to Klecker, did the usual schmoozing and socializing with a few folks I know and met a few more I didn't know.

Comment: That blue and white bus is a good thing. Sure, it's a sort of chore for some new IPAs, but it's a lot more successful than the transportation guys who are both hard to get on the phone and harder to get them to take you anywhere.

I have a sort of routine- sleep in, get cleaned up, go to Sather for an early lunch, come back, do emails and surf awhile, then go to Sather for dinner. Tonight, however was a bit different- I wanted to mail some stuff home, so I took the 1700 Stryker bus; got there after closing for the post office, and I had a bag of stuff I wanted to mail, so the chow hall was a no-go. I had a $7 Burger King dinner instead. Came back, surfed a bit, then had a cigar with some IPAs. Now it's 2300, time for some sleep.

Klecker still feels strange, not quite Iraq, not quite anything wonderful, either.

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