Friday, February 13, 2009


Umm Qasr 02122009

1610 – I had a quiet morning, cleaning up, getting laundry put away, then shaving and going to Spawar before chow. At lunch, the team who meets with Amed (not Ahmed) and I went to the pax terminal and met with him for nearly an hour. A very good meeting. We talked about stuff that pertained to Customs and got some info that the team will use in trying to make things better at the port. I gave Amed a patch from US Customs, one of the old oval patches that came on my uniforms in 1989. He seemed pleased. I hope next time I go see him, we’ll be more like colleagues than visitors.

This is the big satellite dish that’s anchored by lots of cement blocks. I may one day become a satellite dish user, too, so I wanted this as a way to remember the technique of how to keep a satellite firm to the ground. Doesn’t look too difficult- one-inch angle iron frame with the legs for the tripod screwed in.

Came back, did my timesheets (very important, if I want to get paid) then slipped over to the smoke pit for a small cigar. Carlie and a few of the lads were there. Heskette came along, meowed for food but was OK with just sitting on my lap. She got playful, rolling over and chewing on my hand while she boxed my hand with no claws. Finished my cigar, came back to my hooch and taped some plastic over the non-functioning fan in my bathroom. Now maybe I won’t have so many mosquitoes in here at night. Last night I got three bites.
Fox Movies has an old Robin Williams film, “One Hour Photo.” In a bit, I’ll get ready for dinner, then back to some chill-out time.

1847 – Missed some of Fox Movie’s “Smilla’s Sense of Snow” because I went to chow. Maybe it’ll be on another time. In a few minutes, I’ll go to our weekly team meeting and see what I’ll be doing tomorrow.

2145 – 884 games, 453 wins. Darn. Came back from sending Jesse his photos and stopped at the smoke pit. Bought an orange drink and a liter of half cream milk. Chatted awhile, then saw the door open at my neighbors, so I stopped in for some hookah and a bit of a Vin Diesel movie. After a bit, I excused myself and came to my hooch for my dessert, some apple pie from the chow hall and some of my milk. Hey, the apple pie has too many carbs, so I moderate my diet by adding good stuff- milk.

MBCMax has “Pirates of the Carribean” and I’ll watch that for awhile. I may chill out awhile, then try to get some sleep at a decent hour so I can get up early tomorrow. Maybe I’ll write some more, or start sketching my three-container home.

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